Thursday, September 20, 2012

Editing Quiz/Deadlines next Tuesday

Today we took and copy editing quiz.  How did you do?

Just a reminder that your first deadline is next Tuesday.  This means you need to have your story ready to go to your editors by Tuesday.  Meeting deadlines is a major component of your grade.

Make sure your writing is interesting, non-homework like, and appropriate for the audience (your peers).

Also, make sure you know what stories you will be working on for your next deadline.  If you need an assignment, talk to Mrs. Meeks.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


The Patriot’s Pen Editor positions

Editor in Chief:  Cynthia Chan
Features Editor:  Michelle Morris
News Editor:  Emma Brady
Op-Ed Editor:  Rosie Monson
Arts/Graphics Editor:  Jennis Andelin
Sports Editor: Zach Veach
Chief Photographers: Maddie Smith/Christopher Hales

Copy Editing/Newspaper Writing

Here are the copy editing symbols.  We will have a quiz on these symbols on Thursday, September 20th.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the symbols.

We talked about the parts of a news story.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the handout we did in class.